
Kitchen Wall Tiles Combinations _ Ideas


Kitchen Wall Tiles Combinations _ Ideas

Kitchen Wall Tiles are perfect to add a colourful and impactful backsplash to your cooking area. Not only do Kitchen Wall Tiles make cleaning and maintaining quite easy but also add a visual character to your kitchen.

Oasis Tiles offers a wide variety of Kitchen Wall Tiles in all possible colors and patterns - right from the ones that provide a unique backsplash to the kind that provide a simple border to your kitchen walls. Here are some ideas to make your Kitchen Wall Tiles stand out and work as a wonderful backdrop for your busy kitchen:

B O L D + C O N T R A S T
You can give your kitchen a dramatic makeover by creating contrasts with a bold touch to your Kitchen Wall Tiles. This can be done by using bright colours where the kitchen equipment is dull or by using dark and bold shades to bring attention to the walls. You can also add a dramatic effect by adding floral or patterned tiles or using solid colours as the background. If done wisely, this can refresh the entire look of your kitchen.

M I X + M A T C H
Quit playing safe and add a flavor to your wall tiles by mixing and matching various wall tiles designs that complement each other. You can create unique shapes or patterns using the simplest of wall tiles to add this personalized touch to your kitchens. When using the mosaic technique, there are endless possibilities to get your kitchen bubbling with life and colour.

V I N T A G E + R U S T I C
You can give your Kitchen Wall Tiles the vintage or rustic look by working your way with beige, delicate patterned or floral wall tiles that give the rustic feel to the kitchen. Using lighter shades like ochre or beige or cream or any shade closer to white can help you achieve this look for your kitchen. Combine this with shiny or pale colored kitchen appliances and you're good to go all aesthetic and vintage.

To know more visit - www.oasistiles.in


